In order to create a List/Report showing all Pupils with a Medical Condition and or and Allergies, firstly go to Pupils – Pupil List
Select your group via the Filters
Then go to Choose Columns
Use the Drop Down (arrow) Select Choose ‘Show All Options’
Select – Medical Conditions, Food Allergies
(N.B. an allergy may be entered as Medical Condition if the option to mark as a food allergy is not ticked it would not show without selecting Medical Condition)
In order to filter the list down to only show those with conditions you will need to tick the relevant pupil then select Pupil Actions then ‘Choose ticked Pupils’
(Here you can just select those with Allergies only if you do not want all Medical Conditions)
The resulting List can then be saved as a report showing Pupils with Medical Conditions/Allergies.