Stay updated with ongoing incidents by following this page.
10 October 2024 11:30 - Email history not loading
We are aware of an issue affecting some schools in which the email history page is not loading from the overview page or on children's profiles. We are actively looking into this problem and hope to have this resolved as soon as possible.
We appreciate your patience while this is being investigated.
10 October 2024 11:00 - Census error 1852
We are aware of an issue affecting some schools with the error 1852 on their census return. This issue is caused by children who have "Hours at Setting" recorded but are not in receipt of funded hours. Our development team are actively looking into this problem and hope to have a solution soon.
We appreciate your patience while this is being investigated.
30 September 2024 11:30 - Editing historical attendance
We are aware of an issue that does not allow schools to edit attendance from previous academic years. This has been raised with our development team and is actively being investigated. We appreciate your patience while we look into this problem and hope to have an update for you soon.
02 October 2024 - Resolved
A fix has been released. We can confirm that previous academic year's attendance marks can be edited and saved successfully again.
19 September 2024 09:30 - Census error 5170
We are aware of an issue affecting some schools with the error 5170 on their census return. Our development team are actively looking into this problem and hope to have a solution soon.
We appreciate your patience while this is being investigated.
19 September 2024 09:30 - Event Registers not showing marks
We are aware of a continuing issue where event registers may not be showing the bookings and users are not able to enter bookings. For the time being please use the following instructions to enter marks
- Go to your event management page via "Pupils Event Management" and select the event you'd like to check.
- Click the "Edit" button and ensure that the box "Include in School Calendar" is ticked, if it's not please tick it and then save the event.
- Once you've done this, we recommend logging out and logging back in again.
- You should then see on your calendar found on the dashboard, you'll see the event. You can then go to the specific day you'd like to check the bookings for and it will present you with a register and any bookings with a note under the child with who it was made by for that particular event.
We appreciate your patience while our development team is working on this problem.
05 September 2024 09:30 - Registers not saving when recording meal choices
We are aware of a continuing issue for some users where registers are not saving when a meal choice is being recorded. A fix was released yesterday, which has addressed part of the issue but there is still a scenario where the register is not saving - our developers are working to address this.
When recording a register if a meal is chosen from the drop down, the meal and present mark are selected but are not being saved unfortunately.
To record and save meal choice and attendance successfully:
- Use the numerical code shortcut to select a meal and mark the student as present
- Enter a present mark and then select a meal choice from the drop down.
05 September 2024 14:30
Our developers now have a fix for the register not saving when a meal is selected from the drop down, to record attendance and the meal. The fix is now going through testing and we are aiming to release the fix later this evening.
05 September 2024 17:00 - Resolved
The fix identified by our development team has now passed testing and been released. This should now address the registers issue and allow the meal choice and attendance on the registers to save successfully when a meal option is selected from the drop down.
We will continue to monitor registers and wide system functionality over the coming days.
04 September 2024 09:55 - Teachers unable to save registers
We are aware of an issue that is stopping teachers in schools that have meal registers on the AM/PM widget from submitting attendance and meals as we would typically expect them to. This issue has been submitted to our development team and is being worked on as a high priority issue.
For the time being, office staff will need to enter this data via the registers available under "Office". As soon as we have an update regarding this, we will be sure to share this.
04 September 2024 10:30 - Update
Our team are still actively looking into this problem as a high priority, we have found that in some cases the following may allow users to update and save their registers following the below steps,
- Enter the mark for attendance first
- Click the meal drop-down box and select the option
Please note this may not work for all users and must be done in this order.
04 September 2024 17:30 - Resolved
Our development team deployed a fix at 16:45 to address this issue. Registers are now saving successfully when meal code choices are used to mark a pupil present. We apologise for the impact this issue has had on your ability to record attendance today.
04 September 2024 09:55 - Teachers unable to access registers
We are aware of an issue that has caused some teachers to be unable to view their registers, please see the below steps in order to fix this.
- Navigate to Admin > School Options > Timetable Setup.
- Choose "Setup mode" for ongoing changes or creating a new timetable. Use "Live mode" for temporary changes to specific lessons.
- From the timetable drop-down, select the year's timetable you want to edit.
- Click "New Timetable" to create a new timetable with school settings and week structure, ensuring you set it as the live timetable for the academic year. Then click "Setup."
- Once you've done this, please click the "Auto-create lessons" button
If you have any further issues after doing this, please get in contact with us.
03 September 2024 09:45 - Some users unable to access registers
We are aware of an issue that has occurred this morning where the Registers page is not loading for some users and they are therefore unable to record attendance. Our developers are working to address this as quickly as possible and it is being treated with the highest priority. We understand how important this functionality is and we apologise for the inconvenience being caused. We will provide further updates as soon as we can.
03 September 2024 12:00 - Resolved
Our development team have released a fix for this issue. Registers are now loading and saving correctly for all users. Thank you for your patience whilst this issue was resolved and we apologise for any inconvenience caused this morning.
02 September 2024 09:00 - New attendance codes for new academic year not yet available
There has been a slight delay with the release of new attendance codes into Pupil Asset. Attendance can still be recorded as normal within Pupil Asset, however the new absence codes for specific scenarios are not yet available. Our development team are working to release the update into the system as soon as possible. The release is currently going through the final stages of testing and we will provide an update here as soon as it has been released.
03 September 2024 08:00 - Resolved
Our developers have released the update this morning, so the new attendance codes are now in Pupil Asset.
01 August 2024 07:00 - 12:00 - Scheduled system maintenance
The essential server upgrade work carried out yesterday evening has now been completed and Pupil Asset is back online however, our development team have identified two residual issues.
- Imported and Exported documents are currently unavailable and an error message will display when attempting to access these files.
- Email history not loading
Our development team are actively working on these problems and we aim to have a resolution in place as soon as possible.
04 July 2024 12:00 - Postcode in wrong place on EYFS FSP CTF
We are aware of an issue with the EYFS FSP data return CTF, where the postcode is not in the correct place within the CTF. This is causing the CTF to not be accepted when processed by the local authority. We have raised this as a priority with our development team and they are currently working on a resolution.
05 July 2024 - Resolved
Our development team have released a fix for this issue and we can confirm that the postcode is now appearing in the correct place on the CTF. The CTF should now be accepted and process successfully by LAs. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience whilst this was investigated and resolved.
02 June 2024 - Scheduled downtime 4pm - 6pm
In order for our Infrastructure Team to carry out essential server upgrades there will be planned downtime on Pupil Asset between 4pm and 6pm on Tuesday 2nd June 2024. During this time Pupil Asset will not be accessible, please do not attempt to login to the system during this time, as you will not be able to and will encounter an error message.
02 June 2024 17:40 - Resolved
The essential server upgrade work has now been completed and Pupil Asset is fully back online. Thank you for your patience and understanding whilst this essential work was carried out.
13 June 2024 - Email history not loading
We are aware of an issue in relation to the email history not loading as expected. Our development team are actively working on this problem and we aim to have this resolved as soon as possible.
This problem is caused when looking at historic data over 6 months. If you are experiencing this issue, please go to "Pupils List > Event Management" and click "Display Options" in the top right corner and then set the date range to "Last week". This should allow you to then load into your email history and change the dates as expected, please avoid using any date range over 6 months old for the time being.
02 September 2024
We are aware that this issue continues to impact users and we apologise for the ongoing inconvenience. Our development team now have a proposed fix for this issue, which is in testing and we hope to be able to release the fix soon. Thank you for your continued patience.
03 September 2024 - Resolved
A fix has now been deployed and we can confirm that the Email History page is successfully loading once again. We apologise for the length of time this has taken to resolve and any inconvenience caused.
16 May 2024 08:30 - Expanded Hours not displaying for E2 pupils on the Super Summary
We are aware of a display issue in the Super Summary, where Expanded Hours is not showing for E2 pupils. This has been raised with our development team and investigations are ongoing. Please note that the hours are being included in the return file generated and are being counted in table 6 of the summary sheet page. You can also clarify this via the pupil list.
22 May 2024 16:45 - Resolved
Our development team have released a fix and resolved this issue. Expanded Hours are now displaying on the Super Summary for E2 pupils.
27 February 2024 - SMS not sending (Invalid number)
We are aware that some users are not currently able to send SMS to parents and may be receiving an error stating "Invalid number". We have raised this with our development team who have identified the issue and are working to resolve the problem.
27 February 2024 - Resolved
This issue has now been resolved, please note that any SMS' that failed to be sent during this period will need to be manually resent if they are marked with the "Invalid number" error.
08 February 2024 09:45 - Unable to log absence attendance marks
We are aware of an issue that is causing schools to not be able to record attendance marks when using the click drag functionality and an existing mark is in the AM section. For the time being we recommend updating the AM/PM individually as opposed to dragging to update both sessions at once. Our development team have been made aware of this problem and are working to resolve this.
08 February 2024 16:30
Our development team have been working on a solution for this issue and now have a potential fix that has been submitted to our QA testing team. Once the fix has passed testing a release will then be scheduled.
12 February 2024 17:00 - Resolved
The fix created by the development team has passed testing and has now been released. The click drag functionality for recording attendance is working again as normal. This issue has been resolved, we apologise for any inconvenience caused.
01 February 2024 14:45 - Unable to access
We are aware that access to is currently unavailable. Our Development Team are aware and working to resolve this issue as an urgent priority.
01 February 2024 15:35 - Resolved
This issue has now been resolved, with access and normal functionality restored. We apologise for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.
08 January 2024 - School Time field not included on census return
We are aware that the now mandatory School Time field is not currently included on the census return in Pupil Asset. This has been raised as a priority with our development team and they are working to address this.
11 January 2024 - Resolved
An update has been released and School Time is now available in the Additional Details section of the school census. There is now a field where 'Hours in school week' can be recorded.
15 November 2023 - Paid Column in the Parent Portal showing opposite of what it should
We are aware of an issue within the Parent Portal for schools that use Pupil Asset for events payments. In the Events tab of the Parent Portal, the Paid column is showing the opposite of what it should; Paid events show as Unpaid, and Unpaid events show as Paid. Other areas of the system are unaffected. The Transactions History section of the Payments tab in the portal, along with all pages in the main site shows the correct information.
Our development team are prioritising this and we hope find a solution soon. In the meantime parents should view the Historic Transactions page in the portal in order to see accurate payment information.
08 January 2024 - Resolved
This issue has now been resolved and a fix released by our development team. Event transactions now show with their correct status in the parent portal.
03 November 2023 09:45 - Issue recording absences in Register
We are aware of an issue with the registers this morning when recording lates or absences we are currently looking into this.
03 November 2023 11:30 - Resolved
We are please to confirm that this issue has been resolved by our development team.
20 September 2023 - Parents Evening Tab unavailable on the Parent Portal
We are aware of an issue with the Parent Portal, where the Parents Evening Tab is unavailable. This means for schools that have setup parents evenings on Pupil Asset parents are currently unable to book parents evening appointments. This issue has been raised with our development team for investigation.
15 October 2023 - Update
Our development team have been investigating this issue and have now found a fix. This fix has been handed over to our QA team for testing prior to release. Due to the complexities of this issue, the fix will require thorough testing before it can be released. We are unable to provide a time frame for testing to be completed or when the fix will be released. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this issue.
30 October 2023 - Update
QA testing is close to being completed and we therefore hope to be able to release this fix soon, however we cannot currently provide an exact timescale as to when the fix will be released. We will provide further updates as soon as we have more information.
02 November 2023 - Resolved
QA testing has now been completed and the fix has been released. The Parents Evening Tab is now available in the Parent Portal and can be used to book parents evening appointments.