If your teachers are unable to take registers, please check the following:
1 Check that there are classes for 23/24
Go to Pupils > Groups > make sure the dropdown is set to 23/24
If there are no classes create some.
2 Check teachers are assigned to classes
Go to Pupils > Groups > make sure the dropdown is set to 23/24
Go into a class > use the Group Members column to select Users > assign the users
3 Check that the class is ticked as Timetabled Teaching group
Go to Pupils > Groups > go into a class > Edit > make sure Timetabled Teaching group is ticked
4 Check that classes are associated to academic year 23/24
Go to Pupils > Groups > go into a class > Edit > make sure Academic Year says 2023/24 not Permanent
5 Check that your term has started
Go to Admin > Calendar setup
Make sure the term Start Date is <= today
Check that you haven't closed the day as an Inset
If all the above has been checked and is correct, please create a new timetable:
Create a new Timetable
Go to Admin > Timetable Setup > Put into Setup Mode > select * New Timetable
Tick Make this the live timetable for 2023/2024:
Accept all other defaults
Click Save
Put back into Setup Mode and Click Auto Create Lessons